Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Its not about the World of Design, its about the Design of the World"

Designers have the ability to make big changes. Changes that are taken for granted the majority of the time.  It is somewhat sad to think that we as designers are taken for granted but we create this emotional experience as you enter a space, whether it be a luxurious hotel room or a educational interactive exhibit. Our choices will change the individual and their experience, their mood, perhaps even their perspective or point of view. This change is what we are striving towards in design and society. The idea of SUSTAINABILITY. What do we do as designers? We try to inform and intrigue people on the ideas of sustainability. Well in one of the article it stated that... Social Interaction mixed with Critical Mechanism, and Successful Communication, will inform individuals on the topic. A procedure to tackle todays sustainability challenge includes: total social commitment, new economic and social relationships, new social norms, and universal public engagement. It is believed that with these elements we can encourage people to stay green and educate them on the subject. But where do us as designers come in? We create. We create a space, a moment, a memory, an experience, a thought that could potentially turn into an action. Consider how you as a designer will impact the user? How will it be memorable, design so they dont and cant forget. How do we educate and entertain? With, "A vision of the future, a flirt with the past" we can create a memorable experience in an exhibit where informational knowledge is presented. In order to really engage the people that will thrive within the space it should be interactive, unique, innovative, and dynamic. How does technology impact our education and ability to learn. Technology is a huge aspect of knowledge. The internet itself is the central source for an endless collection of information. It is a "shared experience in a collaborative environment," that will encourage education. In another interesting article I read, there was the comparison of the interactive landscape and the iphone. In an exhibit you want to see the same technology you may see in your iphone. These are: easy, intuitive, and fluid interface; dynamic content via multiple applications; user created and socially shared texts, pictures, or videos; mobility; and a rapidly expanding user base. These are things to take into consideration when thinking about exhibit design and use of technology and influencing individuals on the ideas of staying Green.

here are some interesting links to check out in order to Make a Change